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Equity Release Supermarket News Can you spot the (socially-distanced) hobbies in these scenes?
Can you spot the (socially-distanced) hobbies in these scenes?
Equity Release Supermarket News Can you spot the (socially-distanced) hobbies in these scenes?

Can you spot the (socially-distanced) hobbies in these scenes?

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Equity Release Supermarket
Checked for accuracy and updated on 31 October 2023

If you’ve recently discovered family cycling trips during lockdown or loving socially distanced days out on the golf course, we’ve got the perfect post-exercise ‘feet up’ brainteaser for you to try your hand at.

Will you find the flag in the bundle of golf bags? Can you spot the cycling helmet in the cluttered garage? Keep scrolling through these scenarios to see how many items you can spot.

Can you find the shovel in the flowerbeds?

Find the shovel in the flowerbeds

Can you spot the goggles in the rubber rings?

Find the goggles in the rubber rings

Can you find the cycling helmet in the garage?

Find the cycling helmet in the garage

Can you see the squirrel in the nature walk selfie?

Find the squirrel in the selfie

Will you find the flag in the golf bags?

Find the flag in the golf bags

Can you spot the tennis ball in the scoreboard?

Find the tennis ball in the scoreboard

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